Help us to create a regenerative future

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

Hippocrates – over 2500 years ago

Our future health depends on growing healthy nutritious food and on farmers who produce food in a natural, toxin-free way, bringing health to our food system, environment and community. Farmer’s Footprint NZ will introduce you to these farmers and share what they are doing to build a regenerative future for us all. We all have a stake in this and a role to play.

Your donation supports and empowers our community, our storytelling and our support for farmers.

Farmer’s Footprint is a registered charity number CC62530

Partner with us

Brands and businesses are welcome to become sponsors of Farmer’s Footprint New Zealand. Contact us to find out more.

We succeed because of you

Together we can make an impact. We can build a regenerative future with better outcomes in health for us, our animals, our land, our communities and our planet.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.